INFO (personal imagines, requests etc.)

THIS PAGE ISN'T READY YET but you still can use this :DD So more info coming (:

About My Blog & Imagine Twitter (@_imagining1D)
So I don't know yet how often I'm going to post imagines. Every single long imagine I post to twitter with Twitlonger will be available here too. I try to post at least one long in a week.

Personal Imagines
I'm not doing personal imagines if you request. No, no no.

-Long personals:
I'm doing long personal imagines only for the winners of my competitions I'm gonna make mostly when I'm bored. I will post personal imagines only to twitter with Twitlonger, because it wouldn't be fair for the followers of this blog xx (:

-Short personals:
I'm doing short (140) personal imagines more than long ones. You just need to see my random tweets on twitter (@_imagining1D). When I'm bored I might just tweet something like "Doing personal #imagine's for a while now. Tweet me your name & theme for the #imagine" and there you go (:

